McHughes Class
Teacher: John Wedarmen
This class was organized and named for N. A. McHughes soon after the organization of Levy Methodist Church. Our members consist of homemakers, business and professional people, semi-retired and retired people.
All are involved in the activity of our church: UMW, Choir, UMM, and Committee Chairpersons, holiday special events and many other aspects of work and commitment throughout the church.
They are active in civic and community volunteer work. We study the international Adult Bible Series, which teaches us a basis for our daily living through the teaching of Jesus Christ. We have singing before class that is enjoyed by all who attend. We meet for social events and fellowship on a bi-monthly basis. Prayer Partners (secret pals) are drawn on an annual basis and are revealed at the annual Christmas Party in December with a potluck dinner at the Church. The primary teacher is Andy Miller with Andy Andrews substituting on occasion.
Come and visit us this Sunday. We'd love to meet you!